Sr. Ilia Delio, OSF |
CHICAGO -- Franciscan theologian Sr. Ilia Delio, OSF, reminded
attendees at the 18th Quinquennial Congress that St. Francis of Assisi had wanted
to be a famous knight until he smashed into the reality of battle, ending up as
a prisoner of war and ill. But it's often when times are tough that God speaks
to us, she noted, and touches our heart.
"The key to Francis…is not the mind, but the heart,"
said Sister Ilia, whose two keynote talks highlighted day 2 of the "Q".
The morning presentation addressed the conference theme, "Why Francis?
Claim the Gift." The afternoon talk zeroed in on a Franciscan view of God.
After each presentation, attendees broke into small groups,
or "fraternities," to reflect on and discuss a series of questions
related to Sister Ilia's topics.
Francis demonstrates, she said, that "the way to search
for God begins within… begins with the heart."
Reflecting back on what the Lord meant when he told Francis
to "go and repair my house, which has fallen into ruin," "we
realize 'go repair my house' starts with an inner house," she said.
Small groups discuss keynote message. |
By going within himself and experiencing an on-going conversion,
Francis couldn't help but to go out and impact the church and world around him.
Francis didn't choose an apostolic life, or focus on a
mission. He simply chose the whole Gospel and focused on the life of Jesus
"That’s what marks Francis' life," sister said. It
was a whole-hearted dedication to the life of Christ, with a focus on joy and
hope in the risen Christ.
Contemplating Christ, he saw that the Incarnation, with God
coming among us, was an incredible gift of love. "Francis understood this…and
he lived in that thankfulness of the gift." Sister Ilia imagined Francis
getting up in the morning and saying "thank you," recognizing "everything
is gift."
Small groups discuss keynote message. |
One is the spirit of poverty. Not poverty from material
things. But a realization that, as Christ showed, we are dependent on one
another and that all of creation is good. Francis grasped, she said, that the
world is not poor. Rather, it is rich in God's goodness.
Francis would say goodness is in the heart of the world --
the treasure hidden within. Franciscans aren't about bringing good where it is
not, but about discerning the good already there.
Francis shows that "what fills us inwardly must express
itself outwardly," and it requires on-going conversion. "It's not
what we pray," she said, "but how we experience the presence of God
through Christ."
Small groups discuss keynote message. |
It's a life-long process of shifting from self-centeredness
towards God-centeredness, and it "let's us be open to grace."
Another way of looking at it: "Conversion is a coming
home to oneself…to realize that the God of the universe is the God of my
heart." Conversion is also realizing that "the God in you is the God
in me."
Another aspect of poverty is letting go of the need to
control and of being possessive. "Possessive power makes true
communication between persons and with creation impossible," sister noted.
In addition, without letting go, "there is no room within us to receive
Small groups discuss keynote message. |
God's incredible act of humility through the crucified Christ
and the Holy Eucharist allowed Francis to be taken up into the goodness of God
and begin to develop a new relationship with nature, with creation… to begin to
see Brother Cricket and Sister Star. "Everything in creation 'spoke' to
Francis of God."
Yet another aspect of poverty is prayer and contemplation. "Without
poverty, true prayer is hard to nourish," she said.
Small groups discuss keynote message. |
In fact, she said, "the whole of Francis' life is
outward moving." And it's a combination of inner and outward love. "There
is not true love of God and neighbor without the love of self."
Sister Ilia added: "We live in a culture that is dying,
is dying for identity as a human person. This is what we have." The audience
erupted into applause.
Small groups discuss keynote message. |
In other words, "we are called to celebrate the gift of
God's goodness" and "bear witness to the Gospel."
In the afternoon session, Sister Ilia went on to elaborate
on the concept that God is love, that the Son expresses the Father, and that
the Holy Spirit is the bond of love of the Trinity. The Father is the ultimate
source of goodness. "We're talking about a fountain of gushing
goodness." Like Niagara Falls, only infinitely greater.
"Love is what God is." And "one of the
greatest contributions of Franciscans to the 21st century" is that we "understand
love as the deepest form of knowledge."
Small groups discuss keynote message. |
This leads to two different schools of thought about why
Jesus came. One tradition is that because mankind sinned, Christ came to
provide salvation. The Franciscan view is that Christ would have come whether
mankind sinned or not -- an inevitable result of the goodness and love of God
expressing itself in Christ.