Sunday, August 7, 2022

Rebuilding the Church

Bishop John Stowe
Bishop John Stowe, OFM Conv
 Bishop John Stowe, OFM Conv, of the Diocese of Lexington, KY., sees a parallel theme in the ministries of St. Francis of Assisi and Pope Francis with a focus on rebuilding and re-evangelizing the church.

His keynote presentation on the third day of the Q pointed to a combination of living the Gospel and being evangelizing missioners.

Both St. Francis and Pope Francis believed that "living the Gospel is more important than talking about it," he said, later adding:

"No Franciscan can be exempt from being a missioner."

His talk drew a standing ovation.

See Photos.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

'Build a More Fraternal World'

Fr. David addresses "Q" attendees
Father David addresses over 600 attendees.

Keynote speaker Fr. David B. Couturier, OFM Cap., drew a standing ovation Aug. 4 after deliverimg a speech centered around an important element of the Secular Franciscan Rule -- to build a more fraternal world.

Describing it as a "divine charter to build a fraternal world," Father David noted: "Yours is a call to build communities of caring encounters."

The second day of the Quinquennial Congress also featured small group discussions ("little fraternities") and nearly a score of break-out sessions on a variety of Franciscan and spiritual topics.

See Photos

Over 600 Converge on Phoenix

Happy to be in Phoenix

 Well over 600 Secular Franciscans and other members of the Franciscan Family arrived in Phoenix Aug.  2 and 3 for the 20th Quinquennial Congress.

The congress kicked off with a celebratory dinner Aug. 3 at the Sheraton Hotel Downtown, followed by Mass at St. Mary's Basilica (kitty-corner from the hotel).

See photos